Dynamic Stretching: Pre-workout Warm Up

A dynamic stretch is a type of functionally based stretching exercise that uses sport-generic and sport-specific movements to prepare the body for activity.

Dynamic stretching, also called mobility training, places an emphasis on the movement requirements of the sport or activity rather than on individual muscles.


  • Match your stretches to each of the movements, and muscles you will be working throughout your workout. Dynamic stretching is a great way to limber up for training.
  • Ensure that you include 5 minutes of Aerobic activity before stretching. This enables your heart rate, blood flow, and oxygen uptake to elevate, priming you for a focused session.
  • Warm-ups are great physically, but also prep you for training mentally. If you have come from sitting, or work, then naturally waking your coordination and focus is going to prime you for more optimal performance.
Walking Lunges



Gluteus maximus, Hamstrings, Iliopsoas, Quadriceps


  1. Stand erect with the feet parallel to each other and shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take an exaggerated step directly forward with the left leg, planting the left foot flat on the floor pointing straight ahead.
  3. Allow the left hip and knee to slowly flex, keeping the left knee directly over the left foot.
  4. Slightly flex the right knee and lower it until it is 1 to 2 inches (3-5 cm) above the floor; the right foot should be pointed straight ahead.
  5. Balance the weight evenly between the ball of the right foot and the entire left foot.
  6. Keep the torso perpendicular to the floor by “sitting back” on the right leg.
  7. Forcefully push off of the floor by extending the left hip and knee.
  8. Pick up the right foot and place it next to the left foot; do not stutter-step forward.
  9. Stand erect, pause, and then step forward with the right leg, progressing forward with each step.

Repeat for one minute

Walking Knee Lifts


Gluteus maximus, Hamstrings


  1. Stand tall with the feet parallel to each other and shoulder-width apart.
  2. Step forward with the left leg and flex the right hip and knee to move the right thigh upward toward the chest.
  3. Grasp the front of the right knee and use the arms to pull the right knee up further and to squeeze the thigh against the chest.
  4. Flex the left foot as the right hip and knee are flexed.
  5. Keeping the torso tall, pause for a moment, then proceed to step down with the right leg.
  6. Shift the body weight to the right leg and repeat the motion with the left leg.
  7. Progress forward with each step, increasing the ROM and speed on subsequent steps.

Repeat for one minute.

Spiderman Stretch with Hamstrings


Iliopsoas, Hamstrings, Gluteus maximus


  1. Plant your right foot forwards and left foot behind, staggering the legs. Place your right foot forward, keeping your knee bent at 90 degrees.
  2. Place your hands beside your right foot.
  3. Shift your right hand to the outside of your leg, and start to bring your weight back.
  4. As your weight shifts backward, lean your body backward and start to bring your right leg straighter, activating the hamstring muscle.

Repeat for each side. Perform 2-5 reps.

Leg Swings


Vastus medialis, Vastus lateralis (quadriceps), Hamstrings, Hips, Calves


  1. Place your hand on your hip, or a bench for support
  2. Keep your back straight and core engaged
  3. Swing your leg as close to 90 degrees as possible. Shift to side swings for extra mobility.

Work both sides. 10 kicks per side.

T Arm Swings


Latisimus dorsi, Deltoids, Hips, Upper Back, Chest


  1. Start with your hands together in front of your chest. Whilst keeping your left hand in front of you, drive your right arm back.
  2. Pivot your left foot inwards as your right arm comes back.
  3. Swing your right arm to meet the left once again. Perform that same movement to the left side, building momentum throughout.

Perform for 30 seconds to 1 minute

Hip Circles


Iliopsoas, Hips


  1. Place both hands on your hips
  2. Start to Circle your hips clockwise, maintaining a rhythm throughout the movement.
  3. Keep your back straight, and emphasize extension, flexion, adduction, and abduction throughout each rotation.

Switch rotation direction. Perform for 30 seconds – 1 minute

Hindu Pushups


Shoulders, Chest, Abdominals, Upper back, Hamstrings, Calves, Lower back


  1. Start in downward facing dog
  2. Bring your head closer to the ground, as you begin to arch your back. Let your hips meet the floor.
  3. As your hips hit the floor, arch your spine, bring your chest and neck up, and stretch the back further.
  4. Reverse the movement back into a downward facing dog.

Ensure a slow steady movement throughout. Perform 10-20 repetitions.

Half Kneeling Thoracic Rotations


Iliopsoas, Lower back, Abdominals (Transverse abdominus, obliques)


  1. Stagger your legs as you rest upon your left knee with your right knee out in front at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Bring your hands to your head
  3. Begin to rotate your upper body from left to right, slowly and in synchronization with slow inhalation and exhalation breaths.
  4. Switch knees after 10 repetitions.

Perform 10 repetitions each side.

Split Jacks


Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Hip flexors, Groin, Biceps


  1. Stand tall with one foot forward in a lunge position and your arms at your sides.
  2. Jump in the air and switch your feet to move the other leg forward, raising the opposite arm overhead as you jump. Return to starting position.

Perform for 30 seconds.

5-10 repetitions to each side

Side to Side Lunge with Reach


Glutes, Quadriceps, Transverse Abdominus, Hamstrings, Soleus, Gastrocnemius, Tibialis Anterior, Lower back, Latisumus dorsi


  1. Stand with your feet parallel facing forward and hip-width apart. Stiffen your torso by contracting your core and abdominal muscles.
  2. Keep your head facing slightly upwards and shift your weight onto your heels.
  3. Inhale and slowly step to the side while stretching your groin muscle.
  4. Once the stepping foot is planted, the upper body and the side knee should not move forward during the lowering and raising of the body.
  5. Keep the upper body vertical, dip your lower body straight down until straight knee comes close to the ground.
  6. Hold, then rotate your arms throughout the upper body plane.

5-10 repetitions to each side

Arm Swings


Deltoids, Latisumus dorsi, Upper back, Arms, Pectoralis (chest)


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, keeping your upper body straight and knees slightly bent.
  2. Cross your arms at the front, then bring them back quickly maintaining opposing forces of momentum.
  3. Repeat back and forth, and vary the swings according to the video below.

Perform for 30 seconds – 1 minute.

Body Weight Squat


Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Calves, Lower back


  1. Set your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out. Pull in your lower abs, and keep your eyes forward.
  2. Slowly bend at the knees and drop your hips to lower your body. Keep your heels flat on the floor.
  3. At the bottom of the exercise pause for a moment and strongly push back up to the starting position, mirroring the descent.

Perform 20 – 30 repetitions.

Static Stretching: Days Off

A static stretch is slow and constant, with the end position held for 15 to 30 seconds. It is easy to learn and is shown to increase Range of Motion (ROM) and flexibility. The stretch is static because it is performed slowly and the end position is held without movement.


  • Get to the point of sensing mild discomfort, find your edge and work it.
  • Hold stretches for 15-30 seconds.
  • Do these stretches to boost recovery and mobility on your days off. By stimulating blood flow to the muscles, the nutrients which aid in their recovery become more bioavailable.
  • Make sure you perform these stretches on rest days to promote a full recovery for optimal strength and performance on training days.

Additionally, performing these stretches after a workout when your muscles are already warm helps improve Range of Motion (ROM).

Neck Exercises


Sternocleidomastoid, Suboccipitals, Splenae


  1. Roll your head and neck clockwise, slowly and gently for 15 seconds
  2. Switch directions and rotate counter-clockwise for another 15 seconds
  3. Hold your head to the left for 15 seconds, use your hand to deepen the stretch.
  4. Hold your head to the right, use your hand to deepen the stretch. Aim for 15 seconds.
  5. Flex your neck backward, hold for 15 seconds.
  6. Extend your neck forwards, hold for 15 seconds.
Straight Arms Behind Back


Anterior deltoid, Pectoralis major, Pectoralis minor


  1. Place both arms behind the back, binding fingers with palms facing each other.
  2. Straighten the elbows fully.
  3. Slowly raise the arms, keeping the elbows straight.
  4. Keep head upright and neck relaxed.

Hold for 15-30 seconds.

Behind The Neck (Chicken Wing)


Triceps brachii, Latissimus dorsi


  1. Standing or sitting, bring your right shoulder up, placing your right palm between your shoulder blades.
  2. Grasp the right elbow with your left hand.
  3. Pull the elbow behind the head with the left hand to increase the stretch. 

Hold for 15-30 seconds. Switch sides

Cross Arm in Front of Chest


Posterior deltoid, Rhomboids, Middle trapezius


  1. Stand or sit with, bringing your right elbow across your chest
  2. Grasp the upper arm just above the elbow, placing the left hand on the back side of the upper arm.
  3. Pull the right arm across the chest (toward the left) with the left hand.

Hold for 15-30 seconds. Switch sides.

Spinal Twist (pretzel)


Internal oblique, External oblique, Piriformis, Erector spinae


  1. Sitting with the legs straight and the upper body nearly vertical, place the right foot to the left side of the left knee.
  2. Place the back of the left elbow on the right side of the right knee, which is now bent.
  3. Place the right palm on the floor 12 to 16 inches (30-40 cm) behind the hips.
  4. Push the right knee to the left with the left elbow while turning the shoulders and head to the right as far as possible. Try to look behind the back.

Hold for 30-60 seconds. Switch sides

Forward Lunge


Iliopsoas, Rectus femoris, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Glutes


  1. Standing, take a long step forward with the right leg and flex the right knee until it is directly over the right foot (as in the free weight lunge exercise).
  2. Keep the right foot flat on the floor.
  3. Keep the back leg straight.
  4. Keep the back foot pointed in the same direction as the front foot; it is not necessary to have the heel on the floor.
  5. Keep the torso upright and rest the hands on the hips or the front leg.
  6. Slowly lower the hips forward and downward.

Hold for 15-30 seconds. Switch sides. 1-3 x per side.

Supine Knee Flex


Hip extensors (gluteus maximus and hamstrings)


  1. Lie on the back with your legs straight.
  2. Flex the right knee and hip, bringing the thigh toward the chest.
  3. Place both hands behind the thigh and continue to pull the thigh toward the chest.

Hold for 15-30 seconds. Switch sides. Repeat 2-3 times.

Side Bend with Straight Arms


External oblique, Latissimus dorsi, Serratus anterior


  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Interlace the fingers with the palms away from the torso and facing outward.
  3. Reach upward with straight arms.
  4. Keeping the arms straight, lean from the waist to the left side. Do not bend the knees.

Hold for 15-30 seconds. Switch sides. Repeat 2-3 times.

Quadriceps Stretch


Quadriceps, Iliopsoas


  1. Bring your left leg up behind you, standing on your right leg
  2. Hold your left foot with your left hand
  3. straighten your back, stand tall and feel the stretch in the left quad

Hold for 15-30 seconds. Switch sides. Repeat 2-3 times.

Seated Hamstring Stretch


Gastrocnemius, Hamstrings, Erector spinae


  1. Sit with the upper body nearly vertical and legs straight.
  2. Place the sole of the right foot on the inner side of the left knee. The outer side of the right leg should be resting on the floor.
  3. Lean forward using hip flexion and grasp the toes of the left foot with the left hand. Slightly pull the toes toward the upper body as the chest is also pulled toward the left leg.

Hold for 15-30 seconds. Switch sides. Repeat 2-3 times.



Hip adductors, Sartorius


  1. Sitting with the upper body nearly vertical and legs straight, flex both knees, bringing the soles of the feet together.
  2. Pull the feet toward the body.
  3. Place the hands on the feet and the elbows on the legs.
  4. Pull the torso slightly forward as the elbows push down, causing hip abduction.

Hold for 15-30 seconds.

Calf Stretch


Gastrocnemius, Soleus; Achilles tendon


  1. Find a staircase and stand with your toes on the step, heels in the air.
  2. Gradually lower your heels until you feel a stretch in the calves. Be sure to hold the stair post for stability.
  3. You can use both legs, or opt to stretch one calf at a time to deepen the stretch.

Hold for 15-30 seconds. Switch feet. Choose between two feet, or one.